26 December 2010

Hair, and then some

On the day before we left Kenya Becca, me and our friend Angie went to Kenyatta Market and got our hair done.  It took about 10 ladies, 4 hours and 4 packs of extensions each.  But the results were well worth the pain (which was more than you'd think).  My hair is now very long, most of the way down my back to be exact.  I'm not going to try and explain any more, you can see for yourselves.

Angie, me and Becca - still with sore scalps

Angie had had her hair done in braids once before and managed to keep them in for 3 and a half weeks, so that's my target.  I'm almost at 2 weeks right now, so it's looking good.

17 December 2010

Lake Nakuru game park

During the 2 weeks at the end we took the opportunity to go on another safari.  This time the party consisted of Claire and Alicia from prayer retreat, Tabea (a lovely German girl who's working in an even more remote area than Kalacha) and Rob (a short-termer who's working with On-Field Media (the AIM media people)) plus me and Becca of course.

The one lone, sleeping, lion I saw the entire 4 months

A male water-buck

A buffalo who decided we were too close

Flamingoes, about a 10th of how many
there were on that stretch of the shore

The closest we got to a hippo


Baby zebra!!!

Baby Thompson's gazelle

A whole group of rhinos that crossed the road ahead of us
We also went waterfall hunting, and, depressingly, discovered that this waterfall that we drove right up to was far better than the one we hiked 4 hours to see the week before.  Typical.

This just amused me, Becca, Rob and Alicia,
all taking pictures of the waterfall
And then there was the monkeys.  There are 2 types of monkeys in Nakuru, the cute type:

And the not-so-cute and definitely-very-mean type (aka baboons):

Look at the wittle baby one!!!
Ok, so they can be kinda cute when they're little

But it was baboons like that one that really made us not like baboons.  We stopped for lunch at a picnic place with a great view of the whole game park.  And were immediately surrounded by baboons.  One ran at me and Claire (who both ran away screaming) and stole a bag of fruit right out of Claire's hand.  And another one got inside the car and had a tug-of-war with Becca for her lunch before running off with a bag of candy.  Baboons aren't just thieves though, they have big teeth and big claws, and no fear of humans at all.  So at this point we got back in the car and ate whilst we drove instead.

Home Sweet Home

First of all I have to apologise for the lack of posts in the last few weeks, I have been having computer issues.  But it's fixed now, so please keep your eyes open for more posts over the next few weeks.

And secondly, yes, I am now back in England.  I arrived at 5.30 yesterday morning so it hasn't exactly been long, but I'm home.