By the end of our time in Kalacha we were meeting up the church youth 4 evenings a week. Mondays and Wednesdays were 'Manyatta Singing'. That basically means that the youth and the church elders get together at various people's houses and have some worship and a bible study together. It's cooler than it sounds. Mostly because you're sitting outside and it's pitch dark and there's just a really good atmosphere. There's just the added complication of finding it, one of the boys in the youth group would come and collect us and then walk us home again so we didn't get lost in town in the dark. Then on Friday and Saturday evenings the youth met in the church to sing together very informally and practice their songs for Sunday morning. Then add to that the meeting after church on Sunday to discuss what's going to happen during the week, and the fact that the youth clean the church on a Saturday afternoon. That's a lot of time taken up.
Youth meetings were always interesting, they were led almost entirely in Gabra. We didn't understand a word of what was going on! And yet despite that we somehow managed to enjoy every minute of it. (wow, cheese Emma, cheese).
Back: Guyo Jillo, Fathe, Bebi
Clockwise around the circle: Tura, Guyo Berilli, Galgallo, Guyo Ali, Duub |
P.S. Were you counting Guyos? Yes, there was 3 of them.
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