31 August 2010


We arrived in Kijabe on Saturday, the Andersens have been here for a few weeks already.  They have come here to have the baby (their 6th) because Kijabe has the best hospital in East Africa.  As well as being home to the AIC Kijabe Hospital, it also houses the Rift Valley Academy (a boarding school, mainly attended by missionary children), and the Moffat Bible College.

Because Kijabe sits on the side of the valley everything is up or down hill from where you are, we are going to be very fit by the time we're done here.  It also means that it has amazing views of the valley, like this:

PS - this was taken on a foggy day, its better when it's clear.

The journey here was, interesting to say the least.  9 people, 11 bags and at least 4 lots of hand-luggage don't really fit in one landcruiser too easily.  We were distinctly squashed.  Which was fine, it's only an hours journey.  It was once we went over the top of the valley and started to go down hill it got interesting, several of the suitcases stacked in the boot started to slide down ontop of Caleb and Levi who were sitting in the 'boot'.  We travelled about the last 15 minutes or so twisted around in our seats in order to hold back the luggage that was threatening to squash the boys, who managed to sleep through the whole thing.  Don't ask me how.

Setting off - Arne, Caleb, Jonny, Levi, Becca and Me


  1. he he helen is happy that despite the lack of room, emma was clearly smiling all the way *take not to picky* :-)

  2. That's a real Emma smile :D Hope you're having a good time xx
