17 September 2010

ITS A BOY!!! (Again)

Kijabe hospital is the best hospital in Eastern Africa and, as such, is a magnet for missionaries in need of medical care.  For the last 2 weeks the apartment next to the Andersens' has been inhabited by the Faris', Natalie, Daniel and their 2 year old son Samuel.  The Faris' live and work in Southern Sudan and came to Kijabe to have their second child.

William Paul Faris was born at around 9.30pm on the 14th September.  For the 3 nights that mother and baby were kept in the hospital Becca and I took it in turns to sleep in their apartment each night to babysit Samuel.  Today (17th) they were released and so the family is whole for the first time.

Liam and Natalie at home for the first time
As you can probably tell, a large proportion of the last 12 days of my life has been completely focused on babies, but cute as they are, they aren't actually why I'm here.  We have achieved other things I promise!  We are looking to head up to Kalacha around the end of next week.  I'm not promising anything, but I will do my best to write again before we leave, filling you in on what else we've been doing.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! He's just as cute as Ezra was, sorry, is!
    Have fun with the babies and keep in touch!
    Love Debbie xxx
